Sunday, June 16, 2013

Medical for NZ Student Visa

Because I was going to stay for more than 6 months in New Zealand, the embassy required me to take a medical exam before they issue me a student visa.
There is a list of accredited diagnostic clinics (Visit Immigration NZ's Health Information page for the complete list of approved panel physicians). I chose the St. Luke's Medical Center Extension Clinic in Ermita, Manila, due to its close proximity to my former place of work. (1177 J. Bocobo Street; 5246081)
I thought it was going to be the routine medical check-up. Boy, was I wrong. It was the complete she-bang! Blood, urine, x-ray AND physical exams!
So, to avoid any surprises, I am sharing a few tips:

Tip #1: Fast before you go. Unless you want to return to the clinic, I suggest you fast the night before--meaning don't eat for 12 hours.
Tip #2: Come to the clinic early. I guess it depends on the clinic you go to, but at St. Luke's in Ermita, there were a lot of people. If you intend on going there, I suggest you come early--like 7 in the morning.

Tip #3: Clean up and trim for the physical exam. I'll be honest. I was not prepared for the physical exam part. Had I known earlier that a doctor will inspect my private parts, I would've trimmed down there. So when you go, make sure you're clean and trimmed. :D

Allocate another PhP 10,000.00 for this procedure.

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