Thursday, November 7, 2013

Mobile Phone Companies in NZ

There are a number of mobile phone companies servicing New Zealand. Three come to mind. First you have Vodafone, which I think is the biggest, with a presence all over the world.
Then there is Telecom, which I think it is a local phone company.
And then there's 2 Degrees, another local phone company. This is my provider simply because I got a free pre-paid SIM card from the international office last February. Been using it ever since. I load NZ$20 (PhP700) every month. Then I subscribe to their unlitext combo. It's unlimited text, 50 minutes of calls, and 500MB of internet. Not bad. I think all three companies have similar promos. Personally, I didn't feel the need to transfer to Vodafone or Telecom the whole time I was here. 2 Degrees was fine. Pare-pareho lang sila.


  1. Does the prepaid work like the ones we have in the Philippines? Does vodafone have prepaid too?

    1. Hi Yna. Yes, Vodafone has prepaid too. And yes, they work like the ones we have in the Philippines.

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